History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Houghton County 

Source: History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: containing a full account of its early settlement, its growth, development, and resources, an extended description of its iron and copper mines : also, accurate sketches of its counties, cities, towns, and villages ... biographical sketches, portraits of prominent men and early settlers. Publication Info: Chicago : Western Historical Co., 1883. Pages 279-283.


P. R. GOTTSTEIN, manufacturer of mining candles; business established in 1865. Mr. Gottstein was born in the Dukedom of Baden, Germany, March 4, 1838. He is the son of Peter and Mary Gottstein. He came to America in May, 1850, and spent the first year in Cleveland, Ohio. In the fall of 1851, he came to Lake Superior, landing at Eagle Harbor in October of that year. He was first employed as a copper washer in the Cliff Mine, and subsequently in the North American Mine in the same capacity. In 1854, he went to Ontonagon, where he was employed as merchant's clerk till 1860. He then came to Houghton and started a paint shop, which he conducted till October, 1862, when he enlisted in the Michigan Lancers. His regiment was disbanded by order of the War Department before being actively engaged. He next employed as merchant's clerk at Detroit till 1861, when he returned to Houghton and was in charge of John Hoar & Bros.' store. In June, 1865, he established his present business. He was also engaged in mining, operating the North American, Concord and Victoria Mines on lease. He was married at the Phoenix Mine, October 2, 1869, to Miss Mary Anna Paull, daughter of Capt. Joseph Paull. Mrs. Gottstein was born at the Northwest Mine, Keweenaw County. They have five children—May, Freddie (died aged one year), Paul, Robert, Lizzie and Thomas.

CLAUDIUS BUCHANAN GRANT, a lawyer of Houghton County, was born at Lebanon, York Co., Maine, October 25, 1835. His parents, Joseph and Mary (Merrill) Grant, were of Scotch and English descent. Through Mr. Grant's own exertions, he prepared for and entered the college at Lebanon. In October, 1855, he entered the Michigan University, from which he graduated in 1859. He then passed three years as teacher in the Ann Arbor High School. In 1862, he resigned his position in that school, and organized a company of the Twentieth Michigan Infantry, of which he was commissioned Captain July 29, 1862. He was promoted Major in the Twentieth Infantry November 21, 1863; Lieutenant Colonel, December 20, 1864, and the same day received a Colonel's commission. In the historical sketch of this command, references are made to its varied services. In June, 1864, he resigned, and returning to Ann Arbor entered the Law Department of the University; was admitted to the bar in June, 1866, and began practice in partnership with Alpheus Felch. In 1866, he was elected Recorder of Ann Arbor, and was for four years a member of the School Board of that city. From April, 1867, until 1870, he was Postmaster at Ann Arbor. In the fall of 1870, he was elected to represent his district in the Michigan Legislature, and was re-elected in 1872. In 1871, he was Chairman of the Committee on Public Instruction, and in 1873 was elected Speaker of the Assembly, pro tem., and Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means. In 1871, he was elected Regent of the University, serving until 1879. In 1872, he was appointed Alternate Commissioner for Michigan in re the Centennial Exposition, and held that position until the close of that great art and industrial show. In 1873, he moved from Ann Arbor to Houghton. where he formed a law partnership with Joseph H. Chandler. He was elected Prosecuting Attorney in 1876. In 1881, he was elected Judge of the Twenty-fifth Circuit, which office he still holds. His marriage to Caroline L. Felch, daughter of Alpheus Felch, took place June, 1863. Politically, Judge Grant is a strong supporter of the Republican party.

ADAM HAAS, deceased, was born in Bavaria, Germany, January 22, 1822. He learned the cabinet-maker's trade in his native country; was married in 1843 to Miss Eva Lorsch, daughter of Francis I. Lorsch. Mrs. Haas was born in Bavaria in 1825. Two children were born to them in Germany, a son and daughter—Joseph and Frances. In 1852, Mr. Haas emigrated to America. He came directly to Houghton, Lake Superior, Houghton Co., Mich. He remained only a few months, and then located at a point ten miles up the lake. Here he established a line of small boats between Portage Lake and Eagle River, which he operated several years. In 1854, he removed to Houghton, where he engaged in the wine and liquor trade. In 1859, he built the first brewery at Houghton. This was a log building, having a capacity of 500 barrels per year. He added frame additions, enlarging as the growing demand required. In 1875, he built the fine stone structure, now the property of the A. Haas Brewing Company, having a capacity of 6,000 barrels a year. Mr. Haas was an enterprising business man, and by industry and good management accumulated a large property. In addition to his village property, he had several hundred acres of land. He served in various public capacities; was Commissioner of Highways several terms, Coroner a number of years and held other minor offices. Mr. and Mrs. Haas had ten children born to them in this country, of whom four only are living—Adolph, Margarette, Eva and Lilly. The oldest son (Joseph) married Miss Josephine Haun, and is the head of the firm of A. Haas Brewing Company. The eldest daughter (Frances) is the wife of M. C. McConnell, passenger conductor of the Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railway, residing at L'Anse, Mich. The second son (Adolph) is a member of the A. Haas Brewing. The daughter Margarette is the wife of Christ Fox of Negaunee, Mich. Mr. Haas was actively engaged in business till shortly before his death, which occurred January 11, 1878. Soon after the death of Mr. Haas, the A. Haas Brewing Company was organized, consisting of Mr. Haas' widow, Eva Haas, and the sons, Joseph and Adolph.

DAVID HAAS, wholesale and retail dealer in wines and liquors, established his business in 1867, and has carried it on continuously for the past fifteen years, and carries an average stock of $10,000. Mr. Hass was born in Rozgony, in Hungary, in 1830, and emigrated to the United States in 1857. He spent one year in Ohio, and then came to Lake Superior; located at Houghton, where he resided until 1862. He then returned to Ohio, and engaged in business. He remained in Ohio until 1867, and then returned to Houghton, and established his present business. Mr. Haas has held various local offices; was one year Supervisor, and is at present a member of the Board of Trustees of the School District and President of the Fire Department.

JOSEPH HAAS, of the A. Haas Brewing Company, was born in Bavaria, Germany, December 24, 1845; son of Adam and Eva Haas. He came to America with his parents in 1852. The family came direct to Houghton, but only remained a few months, and then moved ten miles farther up the lake to the Portage. Two years later, they returned to Houghton, where they have continued to reside to this date. (See sketch of A. Haas and the Brewing Company.) Joseph enlisted August 22, 1862, in Company I, Twenty-third Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and served three years in the late war. He was married at Houghton in August, 1866, to Miss Josephine Haun. Mrs. Haas was born in Iowa. They have eight children—Rudolph, Josephine, Albert, Frank, Henrietta, Florence, Blanche and Matha. Soon after his father's death, Mr. Haas, with his mother and brother Adolph, organized the A. Haas Brewing Company to conduct the business established by Adam Haas, deceased.

CHARLES HAFENREFFER, M. D., surgeon and physician and dealer in drugs and medicine, was born in Mannheim, Germany, July 31, 1823. He is the son of Jacob Hafenreffer and Sophia Koenig. He received his primary education in the Latin schools of his native town; he then took a regular course at the celebrated University of Heidelberg, from which he graduated with the degree of M. D. in 1847. He then practiced in the service of the Government five years, at the expiration of which time, 1852, he emigrated to the United States of America. He resided in St. Clair County, Mich., until 1853, and then moved to Eagle River, Lake Superior. Two years later, he moved to Missouri; from Missouri to Sheboygan County, Wis., in 1857, and, in 1859, to Houghton. Lake Superior, Mich. During his sojourn in these several places, he practiced his profession with marked success. Since his residence at Houghton, now twenty-three years, he has been the popular physician of the place. In 1870, he engaged in the drug business, and has continued it to this date. He has a well-stocked store in this line, and is enjoying a very satisfactory trade. For several years, he has served as Health Officer of Houghton Village and Township, and has proved an efficient officer. He was married in Missouri, November 2, 1855, to Miss Jacobina Shirmack. They have three children—Adolph, Matilda and Julia. The son is engaged in the drug store with his father.

FRANZ HAHN, manager of the Houghton Bottle Beer Brewery (Henry Hofen, proprietor). This business, the first of the kind in this region, was established in 1876; about eight hundred barrels of beer are made and bottled annually. Mr. Hahn is a practical brewer of many years' experience, and is an old pioneer of Lake Superior. He was born in Prussia, Germany, in 1824; came to America in 1853, and directly to Eagle River, L. S., Mich. Two years later, he went to Milwaukee, where he learned the brewer's trade, and then returned to Eagle River, and in company with Joseph Clemons, engaged in the brewing business. In 1859, he sold out and moved to Houghton. He worked with William Ott, of the Union Brewery, two years. He then rented a brewery in company with his brother; carried on the business successfully till they were burned out, July 29, 1873. They rebuilt at once, erecting the extensive stone brewery now owned by the A. Haas Brewing Company; completed it in 1875. This establishment was one of the largest on the Upper Peninsula, and had a working capacity of 10,000 barrels per annum. The dull times succeeding the panic of 1873, and their losses by fire, caused financial troubles, from which the firm never recovered. In 1875, they suspended business, and the great brewery was bought by the A. Haas Brewing Company. In 1876, Mr. Franz Hahn engaged in his present position, and has made the business a success.

WILLIAM HARRIS, Clerk of the Huron Mining Company and Superintendent of the Centennial Mine, was born in Cornwall, England, January 26, 1826. He emigrated to America in 1853, and came directly to Houghton, Mich. In 1863, he engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued till 1877, when he sold out to Pope & Shepard. He engaged with the Huron Mining Company as Clerk, in 18—, and has retained that position to this date. Since 1881, he has had charge of the Centennial Mine. Mr. Harris has held various local offices. He has been Moderator of the School Board three or four years, and President of the village two terms, being the present incumbent. He was married in England, July 4, 1850, to Miss Mary Hutchings, daughter of John Hutchings. They have eight children, four sons and four daughters, all of whom were born in America—Elizabeth, Mary, William, Charity, John, Stephen, Walter and Fannie. The eldest daughter, Elizabeth, is the wife of J. B. Smith, of L'Anse; the second, Mary, is the wife of Dr. J. G. Turner, of L'Anse; William is book-keeper in L. Hennes' store, Houghton.

JAMES HEALY, Sheriff of Houghton County, was born in Detroit, Mich., April 19, 1845. He is the son of Timothy and Mary Healy. In 1861, he came to Lake Superior; located at Houghton; subsequently moved to Keweenaw County, where he resided three years, and from there to Calumet, Houghton County. He was a resident of Calumet twelve years. During that time he was Commissioner of Highways, Deputy Sheriff eight years, and Justice of the Peace four and a half years. He was elected Sheriff in 1880, and moved to Houghton to enter upon the duties of his office. He was married in Chicago, October 2, 1875, to Miss Maggie Powers. Mrs. Healy was born in St. Johns, N. B. They have four children —James. John, Mary and an infant daughter unnamed.

GEORGE S. HEBERT, druggist, succeeded Mr. Graham Pope in this business in 1872. Mr. Hebert was born in Canada August 10, 1841. He is the son of Felix and Amelia Hebert; was educated at St. Hyacinth College, Canada, from which he graduated, after making chemistry and pharmacy a special object. In 1857, he emigrated to Houghton, Lake Superior, where he was engaged as merchant and druggist's clerk till 1872, when he bought the establishment he now operates from Mr. Graham Pope. Mr. Hebert carries a full line of drugs and medicines and toilet goods. He was married at Houghton, March 2, 1867, to Miss Eudoxie Guilbault, daughter of Francis Guilbault. Mrs. Hebert was born in Canada. They have seven children —Annie, George, Joseph, Georgianna, Josephine, Edward and Abraham.

ROBERT S. HILL, foreman of the machine shops of the Lake Superior Iron Works, was born in Scotland July 13, 1843; learned the machinist's trade in his native country, and came to America in 1864, and worked at his trade at Cohoes, N. Y., for about two months. After leaving there, he worked for Mr. Eddie, of Waterford, N. Y., and from there was sent to erect the machinery for a new ax factory in Johnsonville, N. Y., in 1866, staying there till the fall of 1867, when he returned to Scotland; was absent one year, and then returned to the United States. Proceeded to Chicago, where he worked at his trade. From Chicago he went to Michigan, near Detroit, and from there to Houghton, Lake Superior, in charge of the Huron Mine. In March, 1880, he was engaged in his present position. Mr. Hill was married in Scotland, July 20, 1863, to Miss Jane Ferguson, daughter of Thomas Ferguson. They have six children.

WILLIAM HITCHINGS, Justice of the Peace, Clerk of the village of Houghton, Notary Public and Clerk of Portage Township. Mr. Hutchings was born in Wales. His father was a native of England and his mother of Wales. He came to America in 1859; remained at Detroit, Mich., till the following year; then came to Houghton. From 1867 to 1871, he was employed as clerk for Smith & Harris, merchants. He was subsequently station agent and telegraph operator at Humboldt Station, of the Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railroad. He has made Houghton his home for many years. While here, he has served as Justice five years, Village Clerk six years and Township Clerk seven years, and for several years has held the commission of Notary Public.

CAPT. JOHN HOAR, of the firm of J. Hoar & Brother, merchants, was born in Cornwall, England, September 12, 1817, and is the son of Jacob Hoar. He was employed in the mines in his youth. When twenty-two years of age, he went to Ireland, and after a short stay in that country he engaged with a London company to go on a mining expedition to Germany. He spent three years in that country, and then returned to England. He was married, in 1845, to Miss Jempher, daughter of William Bennett. Mrs. Hoar was born in the same county that her husband was. The following year, Mr. Hoar set out for the United States, leaving his wife in England. On arriving, engagement having been made in England, he went, for a copper mining company, to Lake Superior, and opened a mine on Keweenaw Point. He landed in Copper Harbor July 3, 1846. There were only three families on the whole point at that time and no accommodation for strangers, so he was obliged to return to the boat to sleep until some shelter could be prepared. He proceeded with his party, in a small coasting schooner, farther down the point, where the company had a location of four square miles of land, on which he opened what was called the Boston Mine. Not being satisfied with the prospect, he left Lake Superior that fall, and went to Pennsylvania, and spent two years in coal mining. He then engaged at Philadelphia, and returned to Eagle Harbor for the Northwest Mine, in charge of pumps and underground work. The following spring (1850), he engaged with the Cape Mining Company, of Keweenaw County, as Captain, and continued with that company two years. He next accepted the position of Captain in the Keweenaw Mine, and served in that capacity four or five years. In the fall of 1859, he came to Houghton, and opened, a general store, on the site of his present large establishment. He also took the contract of building a tram-road from Isle Royal Mine to the stamp mill on Portage Lake, a distance of two miles. This was the first tram-way built on the south side of the lake. He had a partner in the mercantile business, a Mr. D. D. Hendrick, the firm being D. D. Hendrick & Co. This connection lasted only two years, when Mr. Hoar bought out his partner. Soon after this, his brother, Richard M., came to Houghton from Canada, and they formed the partnership which has since existed, under the firm name of J. Hoar & Brother. The business was commenced on a modest scale, as the country was new and the capital limited. They rapidly developed an extensive business, and now have two large stores on each side of the street. In the old store, on the south side, they carry a large stock of general merchandise, while the store on the north side is devoted principally to ready-made clothing, and is one of the largest of its kind in the upper country.

RICHARD M. HOAR, of the firm of J. Hoar & Bro., merchants. This house was established in 1859, and is now the oldest established house at Houghton that has done business here continually without change. Mr. Richard Hoar was born in Cornwall, England, March 28, 1832. He is the son of Jacob and Gertrude Hoar. In 1854, he emigrated to America; spent four years in Canada, and in 1859 came to Houghton. He then formed a partnership with his brother John, in the general merchandise business. A small store was opened in which a large business was done. They soon built a more commodious building, and extended their business as their capital increased, till theirs had become one of the leading mercantile houses on the Upper Peninsula. In 1872, in company with Capt. James Bendry, they organized the L'Anse & Houghton Transportation Company. They purchased the side-wheel passenger steamer Ivanhoe, which is still plying on the route. About 1876, Capt. Bendry sold out to Mr. T. W. Edwards. The firm of Hoar & Bros. organized the L'Anse & Houghton Overland Transportation Company. This was strictly a winter line, and was owned exclusively by this firm, the junior member of the firm, Mr. R. M. Hoar, having the general management of the business; 104 freight teams were employed and three stages a day each way; 3,000 passengers have been carried over the route during the past year. The freight consisted largely of copper for export. Mr. R. M. Hoar has been the contractor for the mails between Houghton and L'Anse for seven years. He has been chosen to serve in all the public offices in the gift of the people, from Township Clerk to member of the Legislature. He was a member of the first Village Council of Houghton, and resident of the village six years. He has been a member of the School Board since its organization. He was elected a member of the Michigan Legislature of 1873-74. He was instrumental in incorporating the Mineral Range Railroad, and is Vice President of that corporation. Mr. Hoar has proved himself one of the live business men of this region. He was married in Toronto, Canada, in 1858, to Miss Elizabeth W. Bailey, daughter of Samuel Bailey. They have six children—Gertrude, Clarence M., May D., Martin R., Lillie and Fred.

Richard M. Hoar

WILLIAM B. HOAR, agent of Chicago & North-Western and Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railroad, also agent of the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Companies, and of the South Shore Line of boats. He has held these positions since 1877. Mr. Hoar was born at Pottsville, Penn., November 24, 1849; is the son of John and Jenepher Hoar. In 1851, when not quite two years of age, he came with his parents to Copper Harbor, Lake Superior, Mich., and to Houghton in 1859. He received a common school education and a commercial education at Detroit, Mich, and in his father's store at Houghton. He was married at Ishpeming, Mich., November 17, 1875, to Miss Cordelia R. Mathews, daughter of Mark Mathews. Mrs. H. was born at Eagle Harbor. Her parents were among the early pioneers of that region. Mr. and Mrs. H. have two children—Fannie J. and William B. In addition to agency business, Mr. H. does a general warehouse business. He handles the freight of all steamboat lines at this port, and has charge of the freight of the L'Anse & Houghton Overland Transportation Company. In the winter of 1881-82, this line shipped 3,500 tons of copper.

HARRY S. HODGE, Superintendent of the Lake Superior Iron Works, Samuel F. Hodge, proprietor.

CAPT. JOHN C. HODGSON was born in Vermont September 4, 1828. When nine years of age, moved to Clinton County, N. Y., and from there to Copper Falls in the fall of 1852; was engaged in mining about a year and removed to Portage Lake, and in 1854 to Minnesota; spent three years in that State. and then returned to Portage Lake. He has been engaged in mining or exploring for mineral in this region since his return, in 1857, to this date, 1882. He has served as captain of the Franklin Mine, and also of the Grand Portage, two years each. He was married at Houghton, September 21, 1865, to Miss Abbie Adams, daughter of Jas. Adams. Mrs. H. was born in Clinton County, N. Y. They have two sons and two daughters—Joseph, William, Alice and Kate.

Jay Abel Hubbell

HON. JAY ABEL HUBBELL, son of Samuel S. and grandson of Abel Jay Hubbell, was born in Avon, Mich., Sept. 15, 1829. The following is a sketch of his career, from the National Free Press of October 23, 1880, published at Washington, D. C.: "Jay Abel Hubbell, Representative in Congress from the Ninth District of Michigan, and Chairman of the Republican Congressional Committee, was born in Michigan, his father, Samuel S. Hubbell, a native of New York State, having removed thither in 1820. The first eighteen years of this life were spent by young Hubbell on his father's farm. He was a robust youth and is a robust man. After two years of studious preparation at Romeo and Rochester, he entered the University of Michigan in the sophomore class, and graduated in 1853. The two following years were spent in the study of law, and in 1855 he was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of the State. In November, 1855, Mr. Hubbell removed to Ontonagon, in the Upper Peninsula, where he formed a law partnership with Hon. A. H. Hanscom, and commenced what afterward proved to be a very lucrative law practice. He subsequently became associated with Mr. George C. Jones, taking a prominent part in the affairs of the State. He was elected District Attorney of the Upper Peninsula in 1857, and was re-elected in 1859. He continued his practice at Ontonagon until February, 1860, when he removed to Houghton, Mich., and was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Houghton County in 1861-63 and 1865. From 1861, the date of his removal to Houghton, until 1871, when he retired from active practice, Mr. Hubbell's law business was large and remunerative. As a lawyer, he was noted for care and exactness in the preparation of cases, and for the success with which he prosecuted them. When he removed to Houghton the great mining interests were in their infancy. In their development he took from the start an active interest, investing all his spare means in mining stock, and contributed to their successful development by his determined energy, judicious management and undaunted pluck. The great pecuniary success which attended these mining enterprises enabled him to retire from the practice of law in 1871; but up to this time his interest in the development of the mines of Lake Superior has never flagged, and it was under his direction, as a State Commissioner to the Centennial Exhibition of 1876, that the remarkable exhibit of the mineral products of this State was collected and made. Already, prior to his retirement from the practice of law, Mr. Hubbell had become an active factor in the public affairs of his native State. His extensive acquaintance with people of the Upper Peninsula and his well-known ability and energy brought him to the front as a political leader. In the Presidential contest of 1868, he was an active worker, and by his able speeches attracted public attention and commanded respect. During the same year he was sent to Washington to aid in procuring the passage of a bill increasing the tariff on copper. His efforts were crowned with success. The people of his district testified to their appreciation of ability as a public leader by giving a very flattering vote at the Congressional Convention of the Sixth Congressional District, which then included Houghton. In 1872, Michigan having been redistricted, Mr. Hubbell was renominated for Congress by the Republican Convention to represent the Ninth Congressional District, comprehending within its limits the nine counties of the Upper Peninsula and eighteen counties of the Lower Peninsula. He made a successful canvass, and was elected by 10,951 votes, against 5,546 cast for his competitor, Mr. S. P. Ely, who ran as the Liberal Republican and Democratic candidate. In the Forty-third Congress, Mr. Hubbell was placed upon the Committee on Banking and Currency and Mines and Mining, and was also a member of the joint committee to investigate the affairs of the District of Columbia, in all of which he rendered good service. He secured the payment of some $20,000 to the State of Michigan, being five per cent on the permanent reservation, which had been due to that State and uncollected for a number of years. He delivered a speech in the House during this term, which attracted marked attention. Through his efforts also the long unsettled land titles at St. Mary, Mich., were adjudicated in favor of the claimants. He also secured he passage of a bill to relieve from taxation the mining corporations of the Upper Peninsula, which had been assessed on the issue of the drafts which had been taxed as currency. In 1874, Mr. Hubbell was reelected to Congress by 12,877 votes, against 3,460 votes for H. D. Noble, Democrat. In the Forty-fourth Congress, he was again on the Banking and Currency Committee. He introduced a bill by which the State of Michigan would have collected some $250,000, arising from the five per cent on county lands allowed in that State under the act of admission, a claim which, though still in abeyance, is likely to be pushed, by his persistent efforts to collect, in the next Congress. He was also conspicuous in his able opposition to the Morrison tariff bill, and was influential in accomplishing its defeat. In 1876, he was again elected to Congress, this time by 18,224 votes, against 12,000 for John H. Kilbourne, Democrat. He was placed in the Forty-fifth Congress upon the Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department, and joined in the able minority report which so fully and clearly exonerated ex-Secretary Robeson from the charges which partisan malice turned up against him. He was also placed upon the Committee on Commerce, and was on the sub-committee which prepared the river and harbor bill. He secured for Michigan immense and unexpected appropriations for greatly needed improvements in her harbors and rivers. Among others secured the deepening of the St. Mary's River to sixteen feet. It was during this session (November 2, 1877) that Mr. Hubbell introduced a substitute for the Ewing anti-resumption bill, which was defeated, but the same matter was subsequently embraced in the fort bill and became a law. Mr. Sherman also gave orders for the receipt of greenbacks for customs dues, thus vindicating in all essential respects the forethought and wisdom of the Hubbell substitute. In this Congress, Mr. Hubbell made speeches on foreign commerce and upon the coinage of silver, both of which attracted favorable attention. In 1878, he was again elected to Congress by 15,264 votes, against 7,478 for John Powers, Democrat. He was placed in the Forty-sixth Congress upon the Committee on Appropriations; was chairman on the sub-committee of the pension bill, and a member of the sub-committee on the Indian bill, in which position he did effective service. He was reelected to Congress in 1880 by a larger majority than ever. He received 23,437 to 14,642 for E. S. Pratt, Democrat, and 800 for George Parmalee, National. From his entry into Congress Mr. Hubbell has been continuously a member of the Republican Congressional Committee, His well-known service and executive ability won for him the chairmanship of that committee, and he has proven himself an active, able political leader. Being unable to leave his post at Washington during the campaign of 1880, he issued to his constituents a stirring address in the shape of an open letter in the overshadowing issue, which received favorable comments from the party press throughout the land. Chairman Hubbell's direct and logical processes and methods have great decision and energy of character, with sufficient caution for safety and the requisite dash to evoke enthusiasm. His manner is pleasantly blunt and direct. He is shrewd, careful, and his straightforward bluntness is tempered with tact. His brain is large, his heart is large and his common sense unquestioned, and his devotion to his friends has been proven. He would make a very useful Senator, and Michigan, if she can appreciate, and she has always shown she can, the sturdy eloquence, skill and energy of her best tried legislative sons, will undoubtedly in due time place Mr. Hubbell in the United States Senate."

The Highlands, Jay Abel Hubbell home

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