THE MINING GAZETTE (under various names) of Houghton County, Michigan Copyright (c) 1999-2005 by Dick and June Ross. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations on other web sites. ____________________________________________________________________ 1906 July and August - Some Issues May Be Missing 1906 July 1 Sunday MARRIAGE- Dr Charles W. YARRINGTON of Calumet married Miss Bessie KRATZ, daughter of Mr and Mrs H. E. KRATZ, of Calumet, at the Calumet Methodist Church, last night. The maid of honor was Miss Leta SHERMAN of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the bridesmaids were Misses Edwina DANIELL and Isabella PARNALL. The best man was Dr WHITTEN of Painesdale. The ushers were Dr. J. W. CLARKE; Peter RUPPE; Dr BEAGLE and Dr MCINTYRE, all of Calumet. They will make their home in Calumet. MARRIAGE- Lioene LUCHESSI married Miss Veolenanti SALANI last night at St. Mary's Italian Church, Calumet. 1906 July 3 Tuesday DIED- John BACHELDER, aged 89 years, died at the East Houghton home of his daughter, Mrs Ella JOHNSON. He was noted inventor who lived in Houghton for years. In 1849 he was granted a pantent for his sewing machine which was a success. He was born in New Hampshire 1817 March 7. At first he taught school and later was a merchant in dry goods. He sold his patent on his sewing machine to Singer Sewing Machine Company for $4000. His wife died in 1892 and was buried in New Hampshire. His remains were shipped to New Hampshire to be buried next to his wife. DIED- Otto PETERSON, aged 19 years, died at his home in Calumet of tuberculosis, yesterday morning. He is survived by a mother; two brothers and two sisters. The funeral will take place this afternoon from the Calumet Norwegian Church. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. MARRIAGE- Justice of the Peace, Charles O. JACKOLA united in marriage on Saturday, Edward A. TRUDEAU and Miss Hilma J. BECKMAN, in his chambers. YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Hjalmar KYRO and Katte WALMI, both of Calumet. 1906 July 4 Wednesday DIED- Peter J. HANLEY, aged 19 years, died at the Hancock family residence yesterday morning of consumption. He was the son of the late Thomas HANLEY of Hancock. The funeral will be held Thursday morning from St. Patrick's Church, Hancock. Burial will be at the old Catholic Cemetery, Hancock. MARRIAGE- Louis R. SIBILSKY of Calumet married Miss Elizabeth GREIS, daughter of Mr and Mrs John GREIS of Lake Linden, at the home of the bride's parents, last night. Miss Edith SIBILSKY, sister of the groom was the bridesmaid and the best man was Arthur GREIS, brother of the bride. They will live in Laurium. 1906 July 6 Friday NEWS ITEM- Miss Claire DITTMORE of Menominee, Michigan is visiting her sister, Mrs Benjamin MURRAY of Houghton. NEWS ITEM- Miss Ethel HARRIS of Bloomington, Illinois is visiting her Uncle, William BECKERLEG of Houghton and other relatives here. YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Joseph LEMAY and Alma BOYER of Wolverine location Bozo PETROMARICH and Pepa JUROSICH of Trimountain. DIED- The funeral services for the late Alex KROLIK wre held on Tuesday morning from the family residence at L'Anse, Baraga County, Michigan. Burial was at the Catholic Cemetery in L'Anse. He died of a stroke of paralysis. He is survived by a wife and three sons - Max of Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan; Joseph and Bruneau, both of L'Anse; also a sister in Germany. He had resided in L'Anse for 22 years. DIED- Joseph STEFFANI, aged about 26 years, single, was killed in the Quincy Mine on Thursday from loose gravel falling on him. He has a brother living at the Quincy Location. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from his residence. Burial will be at the old Catholic Cemetery, Hancock. 1906 July 7 Saturday YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Jaakki HANHANEN and Edna DARRINEN, both of Oskar. Dominick POGGIONE and Theresa BELLBONI, both of Calumet NEWS ITEM- Joseph CHAMPAGNE and wife leave Hancock today for Bisbee, Arizona where they will make their future home. DIED- Mrs E. R. OSTRANDER, aged 72 years, died yesterday afternoon at her home in Laurium. Several months ago she had returned from a trip thru the East to try and benefit her health. She was born in New York. Before coming to Calumet she made her home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. She is survived by her husband and one daughter- Mrs G. H. PURCHASE and a sister-Mrs Charles BRIGGS of Laurium and a brother- P. E. HANNA of Lake Geneva. The remains will be shipped to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for burial. DIED- Ernest VOYER, died yesterday morning at his home in Hubbell of a stroke while painting his home. He was born in Bec, Quebec Province, Canada, where he resided for a period before coming to America. He had been a resident of Gubbell the past seven years and had been employed at the smelting works in Hubbell. He leaves a wife and two sons- Irving and Ambrose. He has a father, several brothers and step-brothers in Canada. The funeral will be at St. Cecelia's Catholic Church in Hubbell on Sunday morning. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. 1906 July 8 Sunday YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Ubaldo BONINI and Maria CLABATTARI of Franklin Frank HOUDKA and Anna CERNY of Houghton James RONGA and Ida NYSTROM of Hancock Niku LATINOJA of Painesdale and Anna BECKNER of Hibbing, Montana MARRIAGE- Ubaldo BONINI married Miss Maria CLABATTARI of Franklin Location yesterday morning on the Houghton County Clerk's office by Justice Charles O. OLIVER of Hancock. MARRIAGE- Leslie BEARE of Baltic Location married Miss Maude FRANCIS, daughter of Mr and Mrs John FRANCIS of Baltic Location, at the home of the bride's parents, yesterday afternoon. Miss Ethel BEARE attended her sister as bridesmaid and the best man was Edward EVANS of Hubbell. They will reside in Baltic Location. DIED- Matt ANTILLICH, aged about 21 years, died at the shaft No. 5 of the Calumet branch of the Calumet and Hecla mine, after working one day there. After working all night he was waiting for the skip to take him to the surface, he laid down and falling rock fell and killed him. He was taken to the Calumet and Hecla hospital and died shortly after he was received there. He leaves relatives in Australia. The remains will be buried at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet this afternoon. NEWS ITEM- Mr and Mrs Chester PEARCE arrived in Lake Linden yesterday, from Quinajunato, Mexico to visit his parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph PEARCE DIED- Mrs Josephine HENDERSON died at her home in Red Jacket last night. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon from the home of her father, Isaac JOHN TIKKI of Calumet. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet 1906 July 10 Tuesday DIED- Edward DORIE, aged 22 years, drowned on Sunday morning near the Hancock pumping station while taking his horse out to give it a bath. He worked for WENDELL and SCHUTTE as a driver. He is survived by his wife and also his parents who live at Trout Creek. The funeral will be held this morning at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Hancock. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED- Mrs Hattie A. MASON, aged 57 years, wife of William H. MASON, died yesterday morning at her home in Hancok. She was born in Rochester, New York 1848 September 22, her maiden name was Miss Hattie A. CHAMBERLAIN, prior to her marriage to Mr. Mason. They were married at Plymouth, Wisconsin in 1867 before coming to Hancock, where they have lived ever since. She is survived by her husband and her following children- Clarence G. of Baltic location; Charles R; Ardell; the Misses Minnie and Florence, all 4 of Hancock; her mother- Mrs George CHAMBERLAIN of Hancock. Also two brothers- Wm. H. CHAMBERLAIN of Hancock and Charles E. of Green Bay, Wisconsin; and one sister- Mrs G. F. TILTON, also of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the residence. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED- Peter KEMPPAINEN, aged about 29 years, died Saturday night from the effect of injuries in the Quincy mine on Friday afternoon from falling into the shaft. The funeral will be held this afternoon from his residence in Hancock. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED- Within a few months, Mr and Mrs SEMBLA of Yellow Jacket had two sons die. The first son was Mathew SEMBLA, a young man about 21 years, died a short time ago in South Range where he worked for a bank there. The second son, William SEMBA, aged about 24 years, had been ill for one year with pulmonary trouble which killed him on Monday. The funeral will be held Wednesday from the Finnish National Church on 8th St, Calumet. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. DIED- Mrs Margaret DALY, aged 72 years, one of the oldest residents of Lake Linden, died Sunday evening at her home, after a long and painful illness. She and her husband were among the first residents of Lake Linden. She was born in County Clare, Ireland and when coming to AMerica located in Keweenaw County where she married Mr DALY. Her husband has been dead a number of years. She leaves three daughters and three sons to mourn her- Thomas F. DALY and Mrs J. F. CAMPION, both of Denver, Colorado; John DALY of California, and Misses Anna and Margaret, both at home. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Lake Linden. Burial will be at Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lake Linden. DIED- Goerge SIMMONS, aged 24 years, died in Portage Lake while swimming last night near the VAN ORDEN Lime Kilns. He was a single man, born and raised in Houghton where his home was. His father is James SIMMONS who is in the employ of the HAAS Brewing Company; his mother is dead. He also leaves a brother- Michael of Houghton. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, tomorrow. Funeral was from St. Ignatius Catholic Church. 1906 July 11 Wednesday MARRIAGE- Daniel LEARY of Quincy married Miss Sarah HONGAGOSTI of Jacobsville, yesterday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Hancock. Miss Nellie LEARY was the bridesmaid and the best man wqas the groom's brother, Patrick LEARY of Pewabic. They will live in Quincy. YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Samuel F. WILLIAMS and Dorothy KINSMAN, both of Calumet NEWS ITEM- George TREVILLIAN of Calumet has gone to Wardner, Idaho where he has secured a position in a silver mine and will make his home there. MARRIAGE- William SANDERS of Mohawk married Miss Henrietta SLEEMAN of Kearsarge, at the home of mr and Mrs Frank WILLIAMS, of Mohawk, on Saturday night. Miss Tena WILLIAMS was the maid of honor and Fred SLEEMAN, brother of the bride was the best man. NEWS ITEM- Jacob and Elias HOLAPPA have resigned their position with the Mohawk Mining Company and will make an extended visit to their home in Finland where they will make an extended visit. MARRIAGE- Alex LEVIS married Miss Rose DESROCHERS, both of Houghton, in Duluth, Minnesota at St. James Church there, last Tuesday. 1906 July 12 Thursday NEWS ITEM- Miss Adele BUXBAUM, of Chicago, Illinois, arrived in Calumet yesterday afternoon fro a visit of a few weeks with her sister, Mrs Henry BLUM, of Calumet. DIED- Mrs Hannah EVERINGTON, aged 83 years, died at the home of her daughter, in Duluth, Minnesota. She was one of the old timers of Copper Harbor, Keweenaw County, having come there over 50 years ago. She resided there till the early 1870's, when the family moved to Minnesota. NEWS ITEM- Keweenaw County is about to lose another of her pioneers, as John W. KINGSTON of Central Mine will move to Laurium, Houghton County next month. This will give his children the benefits of the advanced schools at Laurium. 1906 July 13 Friday PROBATE MATTERS- In the matter of the estate of Rose NORTHEY, deceased, Henry NORTHEY filed her purported last will and testament with the court and asked that he be appointed administrator of the estate. ALSO- In the matter of the estate of Mathew NORTHEY, deceased, Henry NORTHEY asked the court to appoint him administrator of the estate. NEWS ITEM- Miss Beth MCCARTHY has left for Butte, Montana, after visiting in Calumet with her parents, Mr and Mrs D. MCCARTHY 1906 July 14 Saturday DIED- Joseph CURTO, a miner of Rasy mbaultown, employed by the Calumet and Hecla mining company was killed yesterday morning at Shaft No. 5 of the Hecla Branch. He accidentally walked into the shaft thinking the skip was coming down for him. He is survived by a wife and two children. MARRIAGe- Fred VERSAILLE of Lake Linden married Miss Mary EGGLESTON, daughter of Mr and Mrs Seymout EGGLESTON, of Iron River, Michigan, on Tuesday morning at St. Agnes Church, Iron River. They will reside in Lake Linden. DIED- The funeral of Mrs Joseph ETHLER of Hubbell takes place this morning from St. Cecelia's Church, Hubbell. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. NEWS ITEM- Mrs August ALLEN of Negaunee, Michigan is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs August OELLO of Hancock. 1906 July 15 Sunday YESTERDAY - MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK John NORAH and Katherine MEDRONICH of Calumet. Mattie LEINONEN and Mary KEMPANNEN of Boston Mine Location. Oliverf CARIN of Kearsage and Hettie YEO of Calumet. Thomas GREGORICH of Centennial Mine and Mary RICCA of South Kearsage. Emil LAFERNIERE of Laurium and Reuni CODOUAS of Lake Linden. DIED- Samuel GARVICH, aged about 35 years, single, died at his residence in Trimountain yesterday morning of consumption. He is survived by two brothers, Matt and Nick, both live at Trimountain. The funeral will be this afternoon from St. Patrick's Church, Hancock. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. MARRIAGE- Archibald PELLAND married Mrs Alvina PROVANCHER at St. Joseph's Church, Hancock on Friday. They will live in Hancock. 1906 July 17 Tuesday Died- The funeral of the late William ASTIN, the woodsman who died of injuries at Ricedale, Saturday morning, was held Sunday afternoon from the Hancock Finnish Lutheran Church. Burial was at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED- Word has been received here yesterday at the death of Mrs Edgar W. LYNCH, nee Miss Brownie MAIN, who died at St. Luke's Hospital, Duluth, Minnesota on June 28 from the effects of two operations. She was well known in Hancock and Calumet. DIED- Mrs John DOLAN, aged 45 years, died at her home in Lake Linden on Sunday afternoon from a complication of diseases. She was born in Waterford County, Ireland. She came to the Copper Country about 40 years ago and lived with her parents in Houghton. She came to Lake Linden in 1874 and in 1878 married John DOLAN at Hancock. She leaves her husband; a daughter- Mrs Joseph MICHELS and two sons- John and William to mourn her death. Also she leaves two sisters- Mrs James CROTTY of Dollar Bay and Mrs Michael SULLIVAN of Calumet. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Lake Linden. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. NEWS ITEM- John TREMBERTH will leave Calumet today to go to Colorado to make his future home. 1906 July 18 Wednesday NEWS ITEM- Richard NANKERVIS who had been visiting relatives in Hancock left for his home in Butte, Montana. MARRIAGE- Charles INGMAN married Miss Hilda HOLMS, both of Dollar Bay, on Saturday afternoon at the Dollar Bay Swedish Hall. They will live in Dollar Bay. NEWS ITEM- August POLZIN of Dollar Bay, and who has resided here the last ten years, has left Monday for Minnesota where he will make his future home. MARRIAGE- Martin A. MARTA wed Miss Josephine RICHETTA, yesterday at the Laurium home of the bride's parents. They will live in Laurium. NEWS ITEM- Henry Blum of Calumet has received word that his mother had died in Germany early this month at the age of 72 years. MARRIAGE- Emil LAFRENIERE married Miss Denise GADOUAS, daughter of Mr and Mrs Leon GADOUS, of Lake Linden at St. Joseph's Church, Lake Linden yesterday morning at 7:00 a.m. The couple were raised in Lake Linden. They will reside in Laurium. The groom is employed as a motorman on the street car line. MARRIED- Delore LAFRENIERE married Miss Amelia DESALIER, daughter of Mr and Mrs Alex DESALIER, of Lake Linden at St. Joseph's Church, Lake Linden. Both were raised in Lake Linden. They will live in Lake Linden. NEWS ITEM- A party consisting of the following men from South Range left this week for CORNWALL, ENGLAND for a few months visit with relatives and friends- Charles WILLIAMS; Cecil MARSHALL; John WILLIAMS; William ANGILLY; Wesley HURT; Charles TRUDGEON; Alex THOMAS and J. J. POWELL. 1906 July 19 Thursday NEWS ITEM- Mrs Olaf HANSEN and her daughter left Hancock for Seattle, Washington where they will make their future home. NEWS ITEM- Frank H. SEWELL of Great Falls, Montana is visiting in the Copper Country for a short time. DIED- Mrs Selma PELLANT, aged 49 years, died yesterday morning at her home in Lake Linden after a 3 days illness. She was born in Canada and came to this country, settling in Lake Linden when she was a young girl. She had been a permanent resident of this town for the past 26 years. Two years ago her husband was killed at the Calumet and Hecla sawmill at the head of the lake. Three months ago one of her married daughters, Mrs Anton KASPAR died. The surviving 7 children of the family all live in Lake Linden - Peter; Fred; Mrs Henry SCHICK; Miss Josaephine; Joseph; Alvina; and Delore. A brother also survives her- Peter DELBEC, a resident of Marquette, Marquette County, Michigan. The funeral will be Friday morning from St Joseph's Church, Lake Linden. Burial will be at Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lake Linden. DIED- Matt MICHELS, aged about 28 years, of Hurontown died after a long illness at his home. He leaves a wife and two children. The funeral will be Friday from St Ignatius Catholic Church on Friday. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. He held a position at L. HENNES and Co., Houghton for some time. 1906 July 20 Friday YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK James SEMMENS of Kearsage and Nellie BUZZO of Calumet. Patrick O'NEIL and Margaret SHEHAN of Calumet. Andre GLARIO and Mary MORELT of Trimountain. DIED- The funeral of John ORKANEN, who was accidentally killed at the Menard Mine shaft Wednesday evening will he held this afternoon at the Hancock Finnish Lutheran Church. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. He was single, aged about 30 years and had no relatives in this area. DIED- John HODGES, aged about 27 years, died at Bisbee, Arizona on Tuesday from injuries received in a mine accident. He lived in Hancock before going to Bisbee. He is survived by his father- Thomas HODGES of Hancock and the following sisters and brothers Mrs John ELLIOTT of Bisbee; Richard: Thomas and William, all 3 of Hancock; and the Misses Lizzie and Lucy of Hancock. The remains will be brought of Hancock on Monday for burial. The funeral will be Wednesday from the Hancock Methodist Church. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. MARRIAGE- Oliver CARIN of Kearsarge married Miss Hettie YEO, of Calumet, on Wednesday night at the home of William BLEWETT of Tamarack. They will live in this district. DIED- Mrs Josephine HYTONEN, aged 35 years, died at her home in Calumet, yesterday after a short illness. She is survived by a husband. The funeral will be this afternoon from the Calumet Finnish Church on Pine Street. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. 1906 July 21 Saturday- MARRIAGE- Stephen SNELL married Miss Mary CROWLEY, daughter of Mr and Mrs Tim CROWLEY, of Butte on Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents by Father BARRY. The bridesmaid was Miss Teresa JONES and the best man was Thomas DEE. The groom is originally from Calumet, bu he came to Butte a few days ago from Seattle, Washington where his family resides. The bride lived in Butte for the past 4 years. They will live in Butte. DIED- Joseph PLESHA, aged 19 years, single, died last evening at the Tamarack Hospital as a result of injuries received in the Tamarack Mine, the day before. He was struck by falling rock. He is survived by his brother. Burial will be tomorrow at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. 1906 July 22 Sunday- NEWS ITEM- Joseph LABBASINA of Butte, Montana is the guest of Mr and Mrs John KRAEMER of Hubbell. DIED- Mrs Anna MCLEAN, aged 57 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs W.C. MCFADDEN of Laurium, yesterday afternoon. She is survived by four children- Mrs MCFADDEN; Neil and Laughlin, both of Calumet and Hector of Caro, Michigan. The funeral will be Monday afternoon from the Laurium Baptist Church. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. DIED- The funeral of Mrs Peter FUGANI, of Dollar Bay, who died on Wednesday at her home, was held Friday from St Francis Church, Dollar Bay. Burial was at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. She is survived by her husdand; one child, beside her mother and a brother, who live in Dollar Bay. MARRIAGE- John HOLM married Miss Mary NELHOLM, both of Dollar Bay last night at the Dollar Bay Swedish Hall. They will live at Dollar Bay. YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Hannus LAMMPA and Hilja MAKKILA of Trimountain. DIED- Stephen KERVITCH, of Painesdale, died from injuries on yesterday morning, at the Champion mine on Friday afternoon, from falling down a shaft. He was born in Austria; and leaves a wife and four children here; also two brothers employed ath the Mass Mill, Ontonagon County; The funeral will take place this afternoon at the Atlantic Catholic Church. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. 1906 July 25 Wednesday NEWS ITEM- Charles J. GILES and John T. ROWE have left Calumet on Tuesday to go to CORNWALL, ENGLAND to visit relatives and friends for a few months. MARRIAGE- John RUELLE of Houghton married Miss Katherine GORMAN of Hancock, yesterday morning at St. Patrick's Church, Hancock. The bridesmaind was Miss Mary GORMAN, sister of the bride and the best man was Nelson RUELLE, brother of the groom. They will live in Houghton. YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Herman KALLUNKI and Lena VIRRANNIEM of Calumet Alfred THORS and Tillie WEST of Dollar Bay James H. CROCKER of Hancock and Pearl WARNE of Greenland, Ontonagon County John ABRAMSON and Mary HENDRICKSON, both of Laurium 1906 July 26 Thursday MARRIAGE- Charles YOUNG of Ishpeming, Marquette County, Michigan married Miss Louise May BISSONETTE of Quincy, daughter of Mr and Mrs Louis BISSONETTE of Quincy, yesterday morning, at the home of the bride's parents. The bridesmaid was Lottie YOUNG, the grooms sister and the best man was the bride's brother, William BISSONETTE. The couple will live in Marquette, Marquette County. MARRIAGE- William YAUCH of Houghton married Miss Anna ROUPE of Ripley, yesterday afternoon at the Hancock German Lutheran Church. The bride was attended by Miss May YOUCH, sister of the groom and the best man was Paul ROUPPE. They will make their home in Houghton. DIED- The funeral of the late Patrick DUGGAN, of Hancock was held yesterday morning with services at St Patrick's Church, Hancock. Burial was at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. NEWS ITEM- John KNEEBONE of Calumet has left for CORNWALL, ENGLAND where he will spend a few months visiting relatives and friends. DIED- Isaac BURGAN, aged 72 years, died yesterday at his home in Lake Linden due to old age. He was born in CORNWALL, ENGLAND, and married there bringing his family to America. He had been in the United States about 42 years. He first worked at the Cliff Mine in Deweenaw County as a macninist and after that at the Centennial Mine known as the Old Schoolcraft location. He has been in the employ of the Calumet and Hecla mining company for 32 years in Lake Linden at the mill. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth M., two sons- Thomas E. and William J BURGAND and Mrs Mary UREN of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Also a sister, Mrs Jane COX of CORNWALL, aged 80 years., and two brothers- Jabez and Thomas, both of Lake Linden. The funeral will be hod Sunday afternoon from the home. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. DIED- Mrs Erik HYYTINEN, of Mohawk died Friday due to complications after an operation. She leaves her husband. The funeral was on Sunday from the home. Burial was at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. MARRIAGE- Fred E. EFFINGER of Mohawk wed Miss Phillipina KRELLWITZ, of Allouez, Keweenaw County, at the home of the bride's relatives in Houghton on Saturday evening. The bridesmaid was Miss Anna EFFINGER, sister of the groom and the best man was Jacob CRONINWORTH, Jr. They live at the Mohawk location YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICESES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Benjamin WHITE and Emma CADO of Alston Nicholas EVERT, Jr. and Annie MARX of Hancock 1906 July 27 Friday DIED- Alonzo R. TUCKER, of Hancock, aged 38 years, died at St. Joseph's Hospital, Hancock last night due to kidney trouble. He was born at Fenville, Michigan, made his home there, marrying a young lady there in March 1905 and came to Hancock 6 years ago as a bookeeper for a Hancock firm. He brought his wife to Hancock and she survives him, his mother, brothers, all in lower Michigan. The body will be shipped to Fenville for burial t.. DIED- Louis, the 16 year old son of Mr and Mrs Peter PROCESSI of Ripley, died Wednesday night of appendicitis. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from St. Joseph's Church, Hancock. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. 1906 July 28 Saturday DIED- The funeral of the late George WIMMER was held yesterday morning at St. Ignatius Church, Hancock. Burial was at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Helmer SODERSTROM and Matilda GULL of Winona. Joseph SUSTANICH and Annie PEYIN of Calumet. Martin SIMONICH and Annie SUSTERICH of Calumet. Frank SILMISHA and Mary SUNICH of Calumet. MARRIAGE- Alfred THORS married Miss Tillie WEST on Wednesday at the Hancock Swedish Church. They will live in Dollar Bay. The reception was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs William CHAPMAN of Point Mills. NEWS ITEM- Albert KELLOW of Calumet has gone to CORNWALL, ENGLAND to visit for a few months his relatives and friends. DIED- Christopher HOCKING, aged about 25 years, was injured in the Champion Mine on Thursday morning from a fall of hanging rock onto him. He was taken to the Trimountain Hospital and died yesterday morning. He has a brother who resides also at Painesdale and is a miner. The funeral will be at Paine Memorial Library today. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. 1906 July 29 Sunday DIED- Miss Ethel KING of Hubbell, aged 24 years, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas KING died Friday evening of consumption. She leaves parents; 8 brothers and 3 sisters- Mrs John FAULL of Allouez, Keweenaw County; Mrs William TREVILLIAN and Miss KING; Walter: Henry and William, all of Black Rock, Buffalo, New York; Edward and Arthur KING of Blanchard, Arizona; George of Battle Creek, Michigan; Bennie KING of Rochester, New York and James and Arvine at home. Burial will be Monday at the Hubbell Congregational Church. Burial at Maple Hill Cemetery, Lake Linden. 1906 July 31 Tuesday DIED- The funeral of Emma KARPAKKA, aged 24 years, who died at the home of her parents at Ripley, on Sunday morning, will be held this morning at ther parent's home, Mr and Mrs Matt KARPAKKA. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. 1906 August 1 Wednesday NEWS ITEM- Robert OSBORNE and Richard EDDY of Calumet have left to go to CORNWALL, ENGLAND where they will visit relatives for a few months. DIED- Alphonse REMILLARD, aged 18 years, the son of Mr and Mrs Celesting REMILLARD of Lake Linden, died at his parents home Sunday morning of a paralytic stroke. He was born and raised in Lake Linden. The funeral was held yesterday morning from St. Joseph's Church, Lake Linden. Burial was at Mount Calvary Cemetery, Lake Linden. DIED- Danuel J. CAMPBELL, aged 36 years, former Lake Linden resident, died Sunday at Ironwood, Michigan of rheumatic troubles. He leaves a wife and three children to survive him. He came to Lake Linden at the age of 6 years, and left it 10 years ago to move to Ironwood. He leaves a sister- Mrs John MCKINNEN of Lake Linden; and three brothers- Andrew and William, both of Leadville, Colorado. The remains will be shipped to Lake Linden for burial. MARRIAGE- Phileas BEAUDRY of Hancock married Miss Olympe BOUDREAU, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jaques BEAUDREAU of Lake Linden, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Lake Linden yesterday morning. The bride was attended by Miss Ursule BEAUDREAU, her sister and the best man was Eugene BEAUDRY, his brother. They will live in Hancock. YESTERDAY- MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK William H. HARVEY and Miss Anna POLGREAN, both of Calumet. 1906 August 2 Thursday NEWS ITEM- Martin WILK of Laurium left yesterday for Moorehead, Minnesota where he will make his future home. MARRIAGE- Emil KEMPANINE of Dollar Bay to Miss Mary NORMAN of the Atlantic Location, took place at Atlantic on Saturday last week. They will live in Dollar Bay. 1906 August 3 Friday MARRIAGE- Charles MIDDLETON, former resident of Hancock married Miss Kate CARNEY, daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas CARNEY of Hancock, at St. Rose's Church, Proctor, Minnesota, Tuesday morning. They will live in Duluth, Minnesota. DIED- William RICHARDS, aged about 40 years, died at St. Joseph's Hospital, Hancock, yesterday morning of heart disease. He is a stranger in Hancock and nothing is known of his relatives. It is known he worked in Houghton but not for whom he worked. The funeral was held yesterday morning and the burial was at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED- The remains of Andrew HAGGBLOM were shipped to Calumet from Quebec, Canada. The funeral was held Wednesday and burial was at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. MARRIAGE- Frank HILL married Miss Lena ODGERS on Wednesday evening, they have gone on a late train for a wedding trip. DIED- Herman HALHOLME, a young man of Rambaultown, died yesterday morning at the Tamarack Hospital as a result of injuries received Tuesday afternoon while at work underground at the North Kearsarge branch of the Osceola Mine. He was sitting on a ladder in the mine and a falling rock struck him. His parents, Mr and Mrs Jacob HALHOLME reside at Rambaultown. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from the Finnish Lutheran Church on Pine Street, Calumet. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. MARRIAGE- John IVEY of Point Mills married Miss Mable RILLSTON, at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Benjamin RILLSTON of Hubbell, yesterday afternoon. The bridesmaid was Miss May COUGHLIN of Hancock and the best man was Charles RILLSTON, brother of the bride. They will reside at Point Mills. 1906 August 4 Saturday YESTERDAY-MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Anti MOILANEN of the Boston Mine and Walpuri WAARANWIMI of the Kearsage Mine John PRUSILA and Flina LUND of Trimountainj 1906 August 5 Sunday MARRIAGE- James Crocker of Hancock married Miss Pearl WARNE, daughter of Mr and Mrs George F. WARNE of Greenland, Ontonagon County, Michigan, at the home of the bride's parents, Thursday noon. The bride's sister, Miss Ruby WARNE was the bridesmaid and the best man was Milton CONGDON of Hancock. They will make their home in Hancock. DIED- The funeral of the late William BROHN, Sr, will be held this afternoon at the Hancock German Lutheran Church. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED- Antoine Vareliga, aged 22 years, an Austrian trammer, died yesterday morning at the Champion mine at Painesdale, by falling down the mine shaft. He got out on the wrong side of the skip and fell two levels to his death. He had been in this country a short time from Austria and leaves a wife and family in Austria. He has two brothers at Painesdale to survive him. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the Atlantic Catholic Church. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. NEWS ITEM- Mr and Mrs Joseph BISCOMBE of Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan are visiting at the home of their son, Capt. and Mrs Joseph BISCOMBE of Kearsage. 1906 August 7 Tuesday DIED- Mrs Sarah VIVIAN, aged 80 years, died at the home of her son, Robert VIVIAN in Calumet, on Saturday afternoon after a lengthy illness. She was born at Dowlas, Glamorganshire, Wales 1826 May 7 and arrived at Eagle River, Keweenaw County 1854 July 31. She was of the early pioneers of the copper country. She is survived by her husband, John ; and six children- Nichola ; Robert ; John Lander ; David L. Henry and Mrs Mary TREWARTHY. The funeral will be this morning from the home of her son Robert. Burial will be at Eagle River Cemetery. DIED- Wolmer NEILSON of Port Huron, Michigan died Saturday afternoon at the Lake Linden Hospital from spinal menegitis. He was employed at the Tamarack and Osceola Mills and was about 30 years old. He is survived by his mother and took his remains home to Port Huron for burial. MARRIAGE- Fred GOURD of Hubbell married Mrs Mary J. ROLAND of the Atlantic Mine location, yesterday afternoon at the Hurontown. Rev. Henry ROGERS officiated. NEWS ITEM- Howard RICKARD of Hurontown left for Globe, Arizona last week to join his brothers there. 1906 August 8 Wednesday DIED- Mrs Margaret KINSMAN, aged 67 years, widow of the late CORNISHMAN, John KINSMAN of the Quincy Mine, died yesterday morning at her Quincy home of dropsy. She was born in CORNWALL, ENGLAND. She is survived by the following sons and daughter- John ; Alfred ; William and Mrs George JOSE. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon from the Hancock Methodist church. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. DIED- J. Knute JOHNSON, aged 84 years, an old resident, died at his home in Quincy yesterday morning. He had been ill the past 6 months. He is survived by one son- Erik JOHNSON, with whom he had lived a number of years. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon from the Hancock Norwegian Church. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED- Peter VERDERBER, aged about 30 years, was instantly killed yesterday afternoon while at work at the No 5 shafthouse of the Tamarack mine. He was unloading a rock car when he slipped a fell and dropping 40 feet to the ground. He leaves a wife and two children. DIED- Matt PIETALA, aged 29 years, died yesterday morning at his home in Allouez, Keweenaw County, of malaria contracted in the US Army while serving in the Phillipine Islands. The funeral will be tomorrow afternoon at the Allouez , Methodist Church. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet, Houghton County. NEWS ITEM- Charles SKEWES and Charles GILES have resigned their positions with the Mohawk Mining Company, Houghton County and moved to Allouez Mine Location, Keweenaw County, Michigan. NEWS ITEM- Mr and Mrs Charles FORSMAN have left the Mohawk location to go to Hartford, Washington where they will locate in the future. They intend buying a farm there. 1906 August 8 Thursday DIED- The funeral of Mrs Johanna LUNDY, aged 44 years, who died at her home in Ripley Tuesday afternoon will be held from the Hancock Finnish Lutheran Church. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. She leaves a husband and six children to mourn her. DIED- The funeral of Mrs M. RILEY was held Sunday afternoon at St. Francis Church, Dollar Bay. She was survived by one daughter, Mrs Jacob ROHLMAN of Dollar Bay. Burial was at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. MARRIAGE- Mr J.A. MINNEAR of Calumet wed Miss Pearl BERRYMAN, daughter of Mrs. E. A. BARRYMAN of Calumet, at the home of the bride's parents, yesterday. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mabel BERRYMAN and the groom's best man was Dr. Richard ALLEN of Painesdale. They will live in Laurium. NEWS ITEM- Mr and Mrs Edward RYAN will arrive in Calumet this week. They were married in Chicago, Illinois two weeks ago. 1906 August 10 Friday DIED- Joseph KING, aged 21 years, son of Mrs Alex C. King, died at the home of his mother yesterday morning, due to the effects of an injury he received as a child. The funeral will be tomorrow morning from St. Joseph's Church, Hancock. Burial will be at the old Catholic Cemetery, Hancock. NEWS ITEM- William BROCK will leave Trimountain to visit at his old home town in CORNWALL, ENGLAND to visit for a few months. NEWS ITEM- Capt. Richard ROSKILLY, of Globe, Arizona, is visiting in Calumet with friends and relatives for a short time. He is in charge of a copper property in the Southwest. MARRIAGE- Joseph ARABANAC married Miss Margaret REILLY, daughter of Mr and Mrs REILLY, of Ahmeek, Keweenaw County on Wednesday morning. NEWS ITEM- Mrs Anna H. LYNCH of Flint, Michigan arrived this week in Lake Linden to visit with her mother, Mrs Thomas SMITH. 1906 August 11 Saturday MARRIAGE- Andrew MOLLANEN married Miss Anna ABRAMSON, daughter of John ABRAMSON, both of Calumet, at the Yellow Jacket home of the bride's father on Wednesday night. The bridesmain was Miss Sophie JOHNSON of the Delaware Mine Location, Keweenaw County and the best man was J. A. MOLLANEN of Ishpeming, Michigan, a brother of the groom. They will live in Calumet. 1906 August 12 Sunday NEWS ITEM- Mrs William WAREHAM, JR and her son, Morton will leave today from Lake Linden for a few days to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and then will go to Mineral Point, Wisconsin, where she was born. Also go to a fair at Linden, Wisconsin. 1906 August 14 Tuesday MARRIAGE - Carl WARNICK married Miss Judith E. STENSON, at the home of the bride in the Red Jacket Mine Location, this past week. MARRIAGE- William TRETHEWEY of Baltic and had at one time lived in Lake Linden married Miss Eva POLGLASE, formerly of Lake Linden, but now of Great Falls, Montana, at Great Falls, last Saturday evening. The groom is the son of Capt and Mrs Martin TRETHEWEY of Baltic Mine Location. They will live at the Baltic Mine Location where the groom is employed as a machinest. MARRIAGE- James P. CORGAN wed Miss Mamie MCDONALD, both of Ontonagon, Ontonagon County, at Holy Trinity Church, Ontonagon on Thursday morning. They will live in Ontonagon. 1906 August 15 Wednesday DIED - John ERICKSON, aged 71 years, died yesterday morning at the Houghton County Poor Farm. He was born in Sweden. He had been at the institution for a number of years. The funeral and burial will be at the poor farm today. He is without relatives in this country. NEWS ITEM - Louis DANTO who recently resigned his position at the Lake Superior Iron and Metal Company at Hancock, will leave soon for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to go into business for himself. 1906 August 16 Thursday MARRIAGE - Edward Burtls EVERTS of Boston, and hdead chemist at the Champion Mill married Miss Mary Isabelle JAMISON of Houghton, at the home of the bride's brother-in-law, A.K. COX at East Houghton last night. The bridesmaid was Miss Ann BESLEY of Newberry, Michigan and the best man was William EVERTS, of Boston, Massachussetts, brother of the groom. They will live at Freda. 1906 August 17 Friday MARRIAGE - George R. Lawrence of Laurium married Miss Metta MARVIN of Tyrone, Michigan at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs C.B. MARVIN. They will live in Laurium where the groom is employed by the Mineral Range Railroad. MARRIAGE - Edward LAITY married Miss Margaret CLARKE of Wednesday night at the Calumet home of the bride's parents. 1906 August 18 Saturday DIED - Abraham NAARA, aged 64 years, and one of the oldest settlers of Jacobsville, died yesterday after noon at his home of old age. He was born in Finland, came to America in 1882. He had lived there over 25 years. He was a fisherman. The funeral will be held on Sunday. Burial will be at the Jacobsville Cemetery. NEWS ITEM- Philip NICHOLS left Hancock for his old home in CORNWALL, ENGLAND where he will visit relatives and friends for several weeks. He will then leave CORNWALL for South Africa where he will take a position in one of the mines in Africa. 1906 August 19 Sunday MARRIAGE - Edmund J. PORRIER of Hancock married Miss Bridgett Agnes KELLY of Ripley yesterday morning at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Hancock. Miss Helen KELLY of Calumet attended the bride and the best man was Peter LOCKMAN of Detroit, Michigan. They will reside in Houghton where the groom is employed by the BARRETT Electrical company. MARRIAGE - Henry STEIMELL married Miss Anna ALPORT, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. E. ALPORT of Laurium, at the home of the bride's parents in Wednesday night. NEWS ITEM - Carl J. KINGSTON, of Calumet, a Michigan College of Mining of Houghton graduate, has accepted a job in Peru with a mining company and will be there is a short time. (?) 1906 August 22 Wednesday DIED - Patrick FITZPATRICK, aged about 70 years, died yesterday afternoon at him home in Hancock. He was born in Ireland and came to the copper country about 44 years ago, and made his home in Hancock most of the time. He worked as a contractor and many of the great shade trees in the city were planted by him. He is survived by his wife, 5 daughter and 4 sons - Mrs William PATTON; Mrs Charles BENNETTS ; Mrs Thomas BARONI ; Mrs Arthur BAKER ; Miss Belle FITZPATRICK. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Hancock. Burial at the old Catholic Cemetery. 1906 August 23 Thursday MARRIAGE - William J. RYAN, son of the late Edward RYAN, of Hancock married MIss Katherine G. MERRICK, daughter of Mr and Mrs John MERRICK of Hancock, yesterday morning at St. Patrick's Church, Hancock. Miss Della MERRICK, sister of the bride was the bridesmaid and the best man was Edward RYAN, brother of the groom. They will reside in Hancock. NEWS ITEM - Miss Mae FULLER has left Calumet for Akron, Ohio where she has secured a position as a teacher. She was a teacher at Calumet schools. Edward CAIRN and family have left the Wolverine location of Alberta, Canada where he intends to take up farming. MARRIAGE - Percival Sherman WILLIAMS, a graduate of the Michigan College of Mines, Houthon, now of Eureka, Utah married Miss Jeanette VAN ORDEN, daughter of Mr and Mrs M. VAN ORDEN at their home in Houghton, last night. The groom was formerly a resident f Ironwood, Michigan where his parents reside. Miss Ella LAMOREAUX of Ashland, Wisconsin and Miss Liza TURNER of Houghton, were the bridesmaids. The maid of honor was Miss Winifred LYON of Detroit, Michigan Frank GOODMAN, a graduate of the Michigan College of Mines, also of Eureka, was the best man. C.H. BAXTER and Richard WORCESTER, both graduates of the Michigan School of Mines were the ushers. They will live in Eureka, Utah. Dr and Mrs J J SHERMAN of Marquette, Marquette County Michigan, grandparents of the groom were witnesses. 1906 August 24 Friday MARRIAGE - Paul D. SWIFT of Houghton married Miss Edith E. WRIGHT, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles A. WRIGHT of Hancock at the Hancock Congregational Church, Hancock last night. The maid of honor was Miss Virginia COOPER of Hancock. The bridesmaids were Miss Elisabeth M. STERNBERGER of Jackson, Ohio ; Miss Florence DAY of Lake Linden ; Miss Nan M. TURNER of Houghton ; and Miss Marion WRIGHT of Detroit, Michigan. The best man was Lee SWIFT, brother of the groom. The ushers were Joseph GANNON; Max BARBER ; Charles A. WRIGHT, Jr and W. H. MCGRATH. Mrs Mabel SWIFT of Chicago, Illlinois, mother of the groom, of Chicago, Illinoins was a witness. Major and Mrs J.W. KELLER of New York, grandparents of the bride were witnesses. They will reside in Houghton. MARRIAGE - William E DANIELL, son of Mrs Susan DANIELL of Laurium wed Miss Hilda MORGAN, daughter of Charles MORGAN, of Hamilton Ontario, Canada at Christ's Cathedral at Ontario, last Wednesday night. Miss Edwina DANIELL of Laurium attended the wedding. They will live in Calumet. NEWS ITEM - Mine Capt. Arthur ROBBINS at the Wolverine mine has returned from a trip to CORNWALL, ENGLAND where he spent two months with relatives and friends. DIED - William GREENE, aged about 30 years, son of Mr and Mrs William GREENE of Lake Linden, died at Hot Springs Arkansas. He was born and raised in Lake Linden. He went to Bisbee, Arizona and was stabbed in the back by a Mexican unawares and he developed blood poisoning that killed him later. He leaves his parents and several brothers and sisters including James and Francis. 1906 August 25 Saturday DIED - Mrs Bridget ADAMS, aged 71 years, died at her home in Hancock on Wednesday night after a three illness. She was born in Dublin, Ireland 1835 August 15 and she came to America 45 years ago. She resided in Detroit, Michigan and Ontonagon county the first 5 years and the last 40 years in Hancock. Her husband John ADAMS died 23 years ago. The children left to mourn her are - John ; james ; Misses Celia ; Agnes and Catherine, all of Hancock ; Mrs M.J. MURPHY of Lake Nebagasnon, Wisconsin. Tehfuneral will be held tomorrow afternoon from St. Patrick's Church, Hancock. Burial will be at Forest Hill Cemetery, Houghton. DIED - John KOSKI, aged about 23 years, who shot and killed himself in Butte, Montana last Wednesday, is survived by his mother and several brothers and sisters in Hancock. He was employed at the Quincy mine til about two months ago when he went to Butte. His body was brought back to Hancock Thursday morning by a sister. The funeral will be held on Friday from the Hancock Finnish Lutheran Church. Burial will be at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. DIED - Daniel KISKILA, aged 48 years, died at his home yesterday afternoon at the Atlantic mine. He is survived by his wife and several children. The funeral will be held at the Atlantic Finnish Church Sunday afternoon and burial will be at the Atlantic Cemetery. DIED - Mrs Martha D. MESSNER, aged 68 years, died last evening at the Calumet homr of Mrs J.F.D. SMITH, where she was a guest. She spent the greater number of her years at Calumet and for the past year made her home at Muir, Michigan, living with her daughter, Mrs L. SEABROOK. About 3 weeks ago she came to Calumet to visit with Mrs SMITH and she became ill and died there. She leaves one daughter. The remains will be shipped Monday to Muir for burial. YESTERDAY - MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK John NIKU and Ida Mary HILTUNEN of Atlantic. Hugo SYOSTRAND and Signa MARLETTA of South Range Josip MAJANARIC and Anna BRISKI of Calumet Quinlan MCCARTHY and Josephine HENDRICKSON of Calumet 1906 August 26 Sunday MARRIAGE - Julius SODDENFIELD of South Range married Miss Rose DURSHLAK of Chicago, Illinois, at the Chicago Austrian-Hungarian Temple last Tuesday. The bridesmaid was Miss Lillie HEALY and the best man was Joseph ZAVAHLAK. The grom conducts the One Price Establishment in South Range. They will reside in South Range. DIED - The remains of the late Henry PIERCE of Calumet will be buried this afternoon at the Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. Funeral services will be held at the home of Mr W J BLOY of Calumet, in charge of the Rev E. SEDWICH of the Calumet Methodist Church. NEWS ITEM - John DOLAN a former Laurium resident is visiting with Calumet relatives and friends. He is now located in Mexico. 1906 August 28 Tuesday DIED - The funeral of Mary HUNGALA, aged 86 years, who died at the Houghton County Poor Farm Saturday was held yesterday. She was buried at the Oskar Cemetery. DIED - Matti LAMBERTI of Trimountain who died Friday evening at the Trimountain hospital was buried Sunday afternoon at the Atlantic Cemetery. The funeral was from the Atlantic Funnish Church. He leaves a wife and family to mourn him. PROBATE MATTER - In the matter of the estate of Jacob RUMMI, alias RUM, deceased, his widow Britte Johanna RUMMI asked the court to appoint Charles AIRKAINEN, administrator of the estate. MARRIAGE - Con WELDER married Miss Barbara SCHENK, at the home of Chris SCHENK of Calumet on Saturday might. They will live in Calumet. 1906 August 29 Wednesday NEWS ITEM - Marion LANG, who had been visiting his grandfather, Willia LANG of Ripley, left yesterday for his home in Lead, South Dakota. MARRIAGE - Ben C. DERRICK, formerly of Lake Linden married Miss Mae MORGAN, of Calumet at the home of J. W. HANLEY of Laurium on Monday night. The bride was attended by Miss Bessie GRIGG and the best man was James MORGAN, a brother of the bride. They will reside in St. Paul Minnesota. MARRIAGE - Charles DICKENS married Miss Kate ROMPF, both of Houghton, yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs R. ROMPF of Houghton, the bride's mother. The couple were supported by Miss Elizabeth HAUG and Milton DICKENS. They will reside in Houghton. NEWS ITEM - William C. MURPHY resigned his position with the MCGRATH dray line and returned for his home in Butte City, Montana. He and his 4 brothers will open a dray line there. NEWS ITEM - James O'GRADY of Butte, Montana is in Houghton visiting old friends. He is the treasurer of the Butte Coalition Company. 1906 August 30 Thursday NEWS ITEM - George E. EMORY left Hancock Tuesday night for Southern Mexico where he has a position with the Colisco Plantation Company. 1906 August 31 Friday DIED - The funeral of Ivor KAMPAINEN, aged 40 years, who died at the Boston Mine location, on Wenesday, was held yesterday afternoon and burial was at Lakeside Cemetery, Hancock. He was a single man with no relatives in this country and had been in the Copper Country 3 weeks. He was injured by falling rock in the mine about 3 days ago and died as a result of his injuries. He was born in Finland. PROBATE MATTER - Annie KEMPAINEN appointed by the Probate Court as guardian of Peter ; John and Manda KAMPAINEN. (see above entry) NEWS ITEM - E.R. OSTRANDER of Laurium, will leave soon for Detroit, Michigan, where he will make his future home. He has been a resident of Calumet for many years. NEWS ITEM - Major Charles V. HENDRICKSON and his family of Houghton, left last night for the West by way of Duluth, Minnesota. He will make his business headquarters at Butte, Montana and will visit the Copper Country every 4 or 5 weeks. YESTERDAY MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED BY HOUGHTON COUNTY CLERK Charles WALSENEN and Tilja TAURANEN of Franklin Mine. File contributed for use in Houghton Co. USGenWeb by Dick and June Ross. caho 2005