Index of Names From "Some of the Best From C & H News and Views,  Vol III
by Clarence J. Monette

Copyright (c) 1999 by Colleen Caudle. 

Some Of The Best From C&H News & Views, Volume III					
Aittama, Richard	
Anderson, Gerald
Balagna, James
Bammert, Mrs. Alber				
Bammert, Reuben
Baril, Oliver (2)
Baril, R.						
Basanais, H.
Beaudoin, Mrs. John					
Belobraidich, Mrs. Matt				
Berryman, Irving
Berryman, James
Bessolo, P.						
Betzing, Carl						
Bigando, George
Blackburn, C. V.										
Bonenfant, "Bob"								
Blaski, P.
Blom, Andrew	
Blondo, L.
Borgo, Donald "Doc"	(2)
Bourdeau, J. Sr.
Bray, J							
Bree, Richard	
Brill, Chris.										
Burder, Ella										
Brill, George
Brinkman, Charles
Brown, Howard
Brula, Frank (2)
Bryant, Mrs. Ned
Burke, John J. (MD) (2)
Butala, "Rudy"
Buzzo, R.
Bykkonen, William
Bykkonen, William
Carlson, Fred
Carpentier, H.	
Chapman, W.						
Charrier, Mrs. Roy
Chopp, John M.
Cima, Mrs. John					
Clouthier, A.											
Congdon, Arthur
Cornish, William
Cornish, William V.
Cox, William
Craig, George											
Crnkovich, Mrs. Nick
Crocker, W.
Cronenworth, George
Crowle, Josephine
Curtis, H.								
Curtis, Henry
Dahl, George
Damjanovich, John
Dennison, A. G.	
Deroche, A.						
Deslongchamps, Alfred						
Dessellier, Marvin	
Dimmer, Peter	
Dimmer, Peter	
Donald, Leslie	
Donald, Rhoda
Dragicevich, Mrs. Rock
Dupuis, Adolp	
Dupuis, M.							
Dusseaul, Ray
Dusseault, Ray	
Dwyer, "Tim"
Dywer, Tim (2)
Eaudino, Charles	
Effinger, "Billy"	
Eilola, Roy						
Elenich, "Johnny"
Eustice, Mortimer
Faller, Eldred
Farley, Kenneth  "Cannonball"	
Fillinger, A.										
Fillinger, E.
Fontaine, W.
Fountaine, G.	
Frisk, E.
Gemmell, Mark
Gemmell, Mark
Germain, C.						
Geshel, Miss Ann					
Gipp, A.
Gipp, Fred
Glowezynski, Ignace
Godin, W.						
Godin, Wilfred					
Gribble, Charles								
Gribble, Charles		
Grindatti, Mrs. John
Guibord, Bill						
Haischer, John	(2)										
Halkola, G.	
Hammes, Jerome
Harjala, J
Heard, R.
Heard, Richard
Heikkila, R.						
Heikkinen, Oscar
Helbacka, William
Hicks, Harry						
Hicks, Harry						
Hocking, Mrs. Stanley
Hocking, Simon							
Hocking, Simon "Buddy"				
Horsma, Oli
Hribljan, Mrs. George					
Impola, Edwin
Jackman, Jr., John	
Jarvela, "Bill"
Jarvela, A.						
Jarvela, Bill
Johnson, Conrad
Johnson, Earl										
Johnson, Einard
Jolly, L.		
Jurmu, Ole						
Kananen, Arnold					
Kananen, Otto
Karjala, Art.
Kastelic, Gertrude
Keast, William	 
Kenny, H. C.		
Kenny, Herman					
Kestle, Harry							
Kestle, Harry
King, J. A.
King, Wm. T.
Kingston, W.
Knickerbocker, Leslie
Knight Jr., Mrs. Thomas
Kohler, Aloys							
Koski, Mrs. Sivert					
Kosovac, Mile
Kowacic, Mary					
Kristo, Clarence					
LaBelle, John
LaBonte, Norman J.					
Lahti, Mrs. Norman									
Lajeunesse, Delore
Lammi, W.
Lamotte, E. R.
Lampinen, Eli											
Lark, H.
Larson, Mary	
LePage, Joseph					
Linna, Lauri						
Lockwood, Frank								
Longpre, Edmund	
Longpre, Theodore
Lucchesi, Samuel		
Lukezich, John
Lukima, E.
MacDermott, Clayton					
MacDonald, Ovid					
MacEachran, Dorothy					
Maki, E.
Makolin, William
Manni, Herman					
Marjama, Adam
McGann, Miss
McKenzie, A. H.
McLaughlin, James	
McLean, Margaret					
Meister, C.
Messner, Earl						
Messner, F.						
Messner, Perso
Mihelich, Martin					
Monette, Camile		
Monette, Pete
Monette, Raymond					
Morrison, "Jimmy"					
Mottonen, Ray						
Mrosz, Mrs. Paul					
Mugford, Eldred
Muretich, John
Murphy, "Jack"
Murphy, John
Murvich, Anna					
Murvich, M.						
Murvich, Mike
Nester (2)
Newman, Ed.						
Nicholas, W.						
Niemi, Charles
Niemi, Harold	
Ninko, John	
Niska, E.						
O'Dell, Herbert					
Olkkonen, Wallace
Othote, Emil "Paul Bunyan"
Passi, Matt
Pastor, Louis						
Pastor, Mrs. Louis					
Paull, H.						
Paull, William	
Paulson, Emil						
Pearce, W.
Pelland, Ed.
Penprase, Mrs. Hogarth
Perreault, C.
Perreault, Homer					
Perry, James						
Perry, James
Peterson, John						
Peterson, Matt
Peterson, Matt	
Pettiti, Dominic					
Philips, Peter						
Pini, "Pete"
Pini, A.
Pini, Peter						
Polancich, J.						
Pomroy, W.						
Poshak, Mrs. Matt
Primeau, A.
Primeau, E.
Prince, Charles					
Pryor, Mrs. William					
Radosevich, Max
Rajaniemi, Waino
Randa, Mrs. Yalmer
Rapson, Mrs. Harold					
Rapson, Sr., Mrs. Thomas
Redman, H.R.
Regis, George						
Rheault, Ernest
Ricca, M.
Richards, C.						
Richards, S.
Roberts, James					
Robinson, Gladys					
Rogers, "Ted"
Rogina, Joe						
Rosemergy, H.					
Rosemergy, R.						
Rota, Mrs. Anton					
Roux, Hubert
Roux, Hubert						
Roux, Hubert						
Ruuska, Mrs. John
Sandretto, John					
Schmidt, George
Schmitt, Henry					
Schneiderhahn, Ed.					
Schutte, Miss Martha
Schutte, Mrs. John					
Schwarz, Michael					
Seighman, Mrs. Wesley				
Shaltz, Frank		
Simonich, Margaret					
Sjogren, Sven						
Smith, G. W.
Spreitzer, John		
Sterbenz, Martin					
Stevens, Ed	
Stimac, Albert	
Stipanovich, W.					
Strong, Thomas
Strong, Thomas					
Stukel, John						
Suino, Bernard
Sundberg, W.
Sutinen, Art.				
Taivalkoski, August
Teddy, Albert						
Therrian, E.
Therrian, Fergus
Thomas, "Jim" A. C.					
Thomas, James A. C.					
Thompson, "Conny"					
Thornley, Charles					
Tremberth, Clarence
Tremberth, Clarence
Waara, "Jim"						
Waara, Leonard "Becka"
Watts, David	
Webb, Richard					
Weiss, Jr., Joe						
Weiss, Sr., Joe.
White, Marjorie
Wilmers, Ed.
Wittanen, "Wes"
Yowell, John
Zapolnek, "Al"				
Zimmerman, Katherine (RN)

Also contributed for to the Houghton County MI, USGenWeb Archives by 
Colleen Caudle